Niagara Pet Corner is a pet shop in Welland, Ontario with a difference. We are independently owned and operated, and are as passionate about pets as you are! We carry pet foods, tropical fish and a full line of accessories.
Happy Holidays from all of us at Niagara Pet Corner!
Watch for our Boxing Day sale coming soon!
We are still here to serve all your pet needs through this pandemic. We accept cash, credit and debit. Our new temporary hours are as follows:
Monday to Friday 10-6, Saturday 10-5, Sunday 12-4.
Please respect social distancing while in our store. Stay safe!
Visit our Facebook page for stock updates and pictures! Niagara Pet Corner
About Us
Owner of Niagara Pet Corner (Welland, Ontario), Barry Lutzer has expanded his in-store fish section to over 100 tanks and has hundreds of tropical and marine fish to choose from.
Contact Info
Phone: 905-735-2221
Monday-Wednesday: 10am to 6pm
Thursday & Friday: 10 am to 6pm
Saturday: 10am to 5pm
Sunday: 12pm to 4pm
545 Niagara Street, Welland Ontario
Email: npc@niagarapetcorner.com
Free Parking